Constraining Cosmic-ray transport with observations of the Circumgalactic medium
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Cosmic rays fundamentally alter CGM structure
Galaxies evolve embedded in a vast gaseous halo that dwarfs the mass and spatial extent of its stars. In order to understand galaxy evolution, we must first understand the complex interplay between galaxies and their circumgalactic medium (CGM).
Much of my recent work has pioneered our understanding of how cosmic rays fundamentally alter the structure of the CGM, especially around low-redshift L* galaxies. Cosmic rays drive cool, mass-loaded outflows that enhance the CGM column densities of many metal ions (Butsky and Quinn 2018). Once in the CGM, cosmic-ray pressure support alters the morphology of cool gas, leading to large, low-density clouds that are out of thermal pressure equilibrium with the hot gas (Butsky et al. 2020). This effect leads to detectable differences in the kinematic signatures of multiphase CGM gas (Butsky et al. 2022).
Cosmic-ray Transport is severely under-constrained in the CGM
The problem is that all of our predictions for how cosmic rays affect the CGM (and in general, how cosmic rays affect galaxy evolution on all scales) is extremely sensitive to the invoked model of cosmic-ray transport, which is severely under-constrained in the CGM (Figure 1).
Estimating Cosmic-ray Transport using CGM observations
In this work, we build a toy model for estimating the cosmic-ray pressure profile as a function of distance from the galactic center (Figure 2). Using this profile, we show that we can estimate the lower-limit of the effective cosmic-ray transport rate in the CGM. using three observables: (1) the total hydrogen column density (at some projected radius from the galactic center) (2) the recent star formation rate, and (3) the circular velocity, measured at some projected radius from the galactic center, r. After vetting the toy model using FIRE-2 simulations, we use it to estimate the predicted lower-limit of the cosmic-ray transport rate in the COS-Halos galaxies (Werk et al. 2013; Figure 3). These first constraints show that the cosmic-ray transport rate is expected to increase in the CGM.